BECK America growth

BECK America, a member of Beck, is experiencing record growth thanks to the support and partnership of our customers. Brett McCutcheon, General Manager of BECK America and ET&F® Fastening Systems, states “We are committed to continue bringing innovative solutions and forward thinking applications through our new and established product lines with experienced team members to help our customers along the way.“
• TERRY BRADY – Our seasoned and most successful territory manager has been promoted to Category Manager for innovated products Scrail® SubLoc® PRO and Mezger® Systems. Terry’s experience with product application will provide insightful approaches to various fastening challenges.
• ROBERT IAMPIETRO – is the new Territory Manager for the Northeast Territory. Robert takes over the territory from Terry Brady who is assisting Robert with the transition.
• PATRICK DONAHUE – is our new LignoLoc® Market Development Specialist. Patrick will focus on new
opportunities and continued growth for this innovative sustainable fastening system.
• ERICK DELGADO – working as our ET&F® Fastening Systems Field Sales Specialist, Erick will work to develop opportunities and support applications of our ET&F® products.
• ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERRITORY – As a result of the realignment of our territories, we have established a new territory in the Rocky Mountain area. More later about this Territory Manager once in place.
• SALES SUPPORT – we have created a sales support team to provide our Territory Managers with
assistance in providing our customers with various inquiries. Jason Jennings will lead the team with technical and sales support. An additional member is expected to be in place on the sales support team in the coming days.
• ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT – administrative positions are being added at Beck America and ET&F® Fastening Systems to support our continued growth.
In closing, Brett McCutcheon says "These changes will help facilitate our continued growth and allow us to become a better partner. Your support and partnership are valuable through these exciting transitions and beyond. It’s our mission to provide the best experience to match our high quality".