BECK General Manager Christian Beck appointed Senator of Economy Austria

While just a week earlier he proudly received the German Innovation Award 2022 in Gold for the LIGNOLOC® wooden nails with head, this time Christian Beck deserved the attention himself. The official honor of Senator took place on May 31, 2022, and was carried out by Ulrike Steinmaßl, Regional Director Upper Austria of the Senate of Economy Austria.
“I am very honored to have been appointed Senator of Economy Austria,” said Christian Beck. “I look forward to working with my colleagues from the Senate to further strengthen Austria as a business location and to continue to drive the socio-ecological transformation.”
The Senate of Economy Austria is a party-independent, eco-socially oriented commission as well as an internationally operating business platform and network for medium-sized companies. Through their commitment, senators contribute to the implementation of the Senate’s goals in their own company, to taking a stance on them in the public debate and thus to making an active contribution to the spread of the ecosocial market economy.
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