LIGNOLOC® technical approval in detail

Watch the 4 minute interview-video on YouTube (German with English subtitles) or read the following article:
The conscientiousness, both on the part of DIBt and on the part of BECK, has paid off. After all the evidence and reports requested by the DIBt experts, one can definitely say that LIGNOLOC® is one of the most extensively tested and researched fasteners with technical approval of all time
“It is of course also our own goal to provide this evidence so that building owners and developers have the security that this is a completely suitable and safe fastening system for static applications.”
The head of the company and the responsible colleagues from Research & Development and Quality Assurance explain the process up to the technical approval in four phases:
As soon as a product is in a stage that you want to mass-produce it but need a technical permit for it, you turn to an accredited institute - an institute that is officially allowed to test for the DIBt. A test plan is drawn up together with this institute.
The test concept and an application for approval are submitted to the DIBt. The experts check the test plan and add ideas and questions with new challenges for new tests. The test plan gets modified and resubmitted. This cycle can take place several times until a final work plan is in place. This test plan can be with DIBt for one to two years until it is approved and can be processed.
The testing starts and data is generated. Since the LIGNOLOC® is not a standardized fastener, there are no standards or regulations. A complete test scenario had to be developed, including bending tests, tensile tests, endurance tests, etc. In total, more than 1000 tests were carried out over a period of three years.
The data is returned to the DIBt, where the experts advise on the results. Over such a long period of time with such an innovative product, of course, new questions can arise. Or the results delivered lead to ideas for further tests. Overall it is a long process.
Ultimately, all evidence could be provided to the fullest satisfaction.
LIGNOLOC has received the technical permit for the dimensioning and execution of load-bearing timber connections. Therefore also the numbers you need to use LIGNOLOC in load-bearing components, in timber construction. Now structural engineers can use the values from the approval to calculate the load-bearing capacity of the wall. The nail can now be used in frame construction, from prefabricated house manufacturers to small carpenters. Officially and with legitimation.