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With our product highlights for 2025, you can take your projects to the next level!
The world's leading trade fair BAU for architecture, materials, and systems has successfully concluded this year: Alongside BECK, 2,000 exhibitors showcased the latest highlights, industry trends, and innovations in construction.
Here are the key topics of BAU 2025
- Resilient, climate-conscious construction
- Transformation of cities, districts, and rural areas
- Resource efficiency
- Modular, serial, and productive building
- Cost-effective construction
We are convinced that timber construction, based on ecological, circular fastening systems, offers exciting solutions to all these challenges!
Our experts in innovative fastening technologies – especially for timber construction – are now looking forward to building on the many exciting conversations!
Discover our wooden nail system for furniture construction, kitchen and shop fitting, as well as for stage design.
Here you will find all the information about our innovative SCRAIL® CHIPBOARD nail screw fasteners for flexible adjustment of warped wood.
With our ET&F® nailer, fastening metal is as easy as fastening wood. Learn more now!
Build on sustainability: Our EPD provides all information about the entire lifecycle of LIGNOLOC® wooden nails.